Hanna Nahon Casarini

Moishe House Rio de Janeiro Resident

Pronouns: she/her

Hanna (she/her), is a founding member of Moishe House Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Even before joining Moishe House, meeting with friends for different activities, whether outdoors or at home, was always rewarding. The interactions and friendships became like a family for her, who is from another city and this only intensified when promoting events to the community. She is an Urban Landscape Architect, postgraduate in Ecological Landscaping, and a master’s student in the same area; passionate about urban planning, sustainability, and biodiversity, she has the purpose of implementing and structuring a better development of cities for the future in the social and environmental spheres, works with national and international projects and consultancies for sustainable development of cities. Hanna sees the RAB as a way of bringing residents and staff closer together to further strengthen the purposes and objectives of the Moishe House.