Kayla Globerson
Grants Manager
Pronouns: she/hers
Encinitas, CA
Kayla is our Grants Manager and works with our Development Operations Team to ensure the delivery of quality and timely grant letters of interest (LOIs), proposals, reports, and budgets to our donors. Kayla’s life mission has always been to serve and give back to others, proven by her experience as an elementary school teacher and working with high school teen leaders at a Jewish non-profit. Kayla said the word “teamwork” was the repetitive theme she kept reading and hearing directly from Moishe House staff members and that our genuine sense of community brought her here!
Kayla has been involved as a lay leader in San Diego for several years. She earned her Certificate in Jewish Leadership from the Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership in conjunction with Northwestern University’s School of Professional Studies and holds a Masters in Instructional Design and Technology. When not working or studying, Kayla can be found hiking, going to baseball games, watching British TV shows, or learning to cook gluten/dairy-free recipes. She also loves puppies of all breeds and sizes and quoting lines from “The Office.”