Moishe House International Fund Million Dollar Milestone

By Loán Lake

Moishe House International Fund Passes Million Dollar Milestone

We are thrilled to share that for the first time ever, our Moishe House International Fund (MHIF) surpassed the one million dollar (USD) mark in 2021!   Our community builders play a critical role in establishing Jewish communities and Inspiring Jewish Homes in 33 countries around the world  with more than a third of our community builders facilitating Jewish communities outside of North America. These programs—led by Moishe House and Moishe Pod residents, Moishe House Without Walls (MHWOW) hosts, and Immersive Retreat Facilitators—are actually located in communities across Europe, Africa, South America, and Asia. Back in 2018, we established a multi-year vision to increase support and grow the MHIF to one million U.S. dollars annually. This was an important step to creating more sustainability to host programming for Jewish young adults in countries where philanthropy just does not or cannot exist as freely.  Thanks to a visionary two-year matching gift from Ron and Pam Rubin/Rubin Family Foundation; lead gifts from The Sabrina Merage Foundation, Carol and Steven Cohen, The Koum Family Foundation, and hundreds of other donors who were compelled to support this effort, we were able to meet and surpass this milestone even amidst a global pandemic. As a result, our non-North American communities have grown by twenty percent (since 2019). Our young adult leaders created nearly 2,500 programs in 2021 (most of which were once again hosted in-person) to bring their peers together, create Jewish communities of their choosing, and inspire Jewish homes to thrive in unique ways.   And we are just getting started! Learn more about the Moishe House International Fund and explore ways to partner with us in 2022! 

Sharing A Few Highlights From Some of 2021’s International Programs Outside of North America:

Moishe House community members in Be'er Sheva post for picture with mayor.
Moishe House Be’er Sheva community members pose with the city’s mayor during his third visit to the house.
Five Moishe House community members pose for picture at Argentina glaciers
MHWOW Host Joel Kaplan and members of the Buenos Aires community trek the glaciers in Argentina.
Attendees at Russian Speaking Jewish Residents conference pose for photo in Tbilisi, Georgia
Jewish Residents conference participate in a workshop Tbilisi, Georgia in 2021.
Young adults gather for tour of old Jewish Quarters in Barcelona Spain
Moishe House Barcelona community members participate in a tour of the old Jewish Quarters (Casa Adret) in Spain.