Rabbi Shari Shamah

Jewish Life Specialist

Rabbi Shari Shamah is a Jewish Life Specialist. Her goal is to make Judaism accessible, fun, and engaging. She embraces this DIY Judaism and encourages people to find the things that elevate their lives spiritually. From challah in various shapes and fillings, to Rosh Hashanah hikes; she believes Jewish connection can be found in everyday moments. She was ordained from the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in 2000, earning both an MaHL and Rabbinical Ordination. In 2017 she received a MaJPS from Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership. She spent seven years as a congregational rabbi and spent the next 15 years working at the JCC, both in Milwaukee. A lifelong Jewish summer camp fan, she has spent more than 3 decades working at OSRUI, JCC Camp Interlaken, and Henry S. Jacobs Camp. She enjoys reading, writing, binging Netflix, riding a good Peloton class, walking outdoors, boating, baking, (especially challah!) and spending time with friends and family. Giving back to the community is an important value for her, she serves as board and committee member for two different organizations and is a regular volunteer at the Jewish Community Food Pantry. She and her husband Corey live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and have 3 children.