Exodus & Action: A Journey Toward Justice
Petaluma, CA
Educator: Jessica Herrmann
Spend a weekend immersing yourself in the ancient story of our Exodus from Egypt, exploring the rituals of the Passover seder and examining how the story of Passover connects to the justice challenges we face in the world today.
Join us for Exodus & Action: A Journey Toward Justice powered by Repair the World, March 28-30 at Walker Creek Ranch in Petaluma, CA. We’ll dive deep together examining the themes of liberation, resistance and justice with learning sessions, discussion groups and art projects. We’ll enjoy Shabbat together, have a mock seder, and tie all of our explorations together with hands-on service projects and reflections on today’s justice landscape and challenges. You’ll go home with great memories, new friends and all the tools you need to facilitate meaningful, justice-inspired discussions during your own Passover seder.