Be the Difference: The Moishe Mindset in Action

By Leah Jalfon

By Ziva Sholin, Administrative Coordinator Think back to your first interaction with Moishe House. Was it an MHWOW program? Was it a program at a house? Who invited you? What did the space home look like, what did it smell like? What did you do? Who did you meet? Why did you decide to go in the first place? This “warm feeling” that you hopefully felt at your first Moishe House experience is a result of the Moishe Mindset. It is defining something that can seem intangible that connects all Moishe Houses and MHWOW programs around the world. Over the past year, we’ve taken on the task of identifying a set of core Moishe House values that describe our culture. The result has been the development of something we call the “Moishe Mindset” that describes how we all work together to pursue our Mission, Vision and Values. It’s what makes us who are and contributes to the success of Moishe House. As an integral part of our global Moishe House community, we’d like you  to be a part of sharing the Moishe Mindset with your friends. So how have we defined the Moishe Mindset? Let’s dive in!


Take initiative and be the driver! You are a leader in your community, and your friends are looking to YOU  to enliven their Jewish world. You are truly making a difference and what you do matters. It may just seem like a regular Shabbat dinner to you, but for your participants, it could be the first chance their having to engage with their Judaism in years.


The spectrum of our communities’ backgrounds and perspectives is one of the most beautiful things about Moishe House. Take the opportunity during your programs to encourage a variety of voices and set the stage to commit to clear and open communication. We can all learn from each other if we listen with intent.


Did you plan an awesome program, have 10 people RSVP and then 20 show up on the day of wanting to participate? We all know that sometimes things don’t go as planned, but that’s just part of the ride! Go with the flow and stay positive. having the ability to be  flexible and adapt quickly is the goal.


Money matters! Get those receipts in on time, clip your coupons, and be mindful of your spending decisions. Financial support from our donors is what enables us  to create these amazing programs and communities.. Be mindful of how you’re spending the dollars from the people who believe in our mission.


Follow through on the commitments you make and keep others accountable as well. If you’re collaborating with another organization to put on a Tikkun Olam program, be responsible for the pieces that you are managing, and make sure others are doing the same. Take ownership over your actions and behavior. If you want to change something, do it! But make sure you see it through all the way to the end.


Let your spirit of hospitality permeate every part of the Moishe House universe, from the minute your participants walk through the door until they leave. Commit to creating and maintaining an environment at your programs in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respected for what they bring to our community. Assume good intent, and challenge ideas, not people.


You plan an amazing all night study workshop and the program goes from sundown until 6 in the morning. You receive wonderful feedback from the participants, so now it’s time for some well-deserved rest! Take a break and do something for you! Go to yoga, see your favorite band perform, spend time with your family, however you need to recharge your battery! We want to make sure you are taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. We do our best work when we are feeling 100% so make sure you are still having fun! Is there a Moishe Mindset that resonates the most with you? Is there one that you want to work on? Can you think of a time that it would be more difficult to demonstrate the Moishe Mindset? We hope this article got you thinking about how the Moishe Mindset can shape your MHWOW programs. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your staff person. Find out which Moishe Mindset matches your personality most by taking this Buzzfeed quiz! We’d love to hear your results! -Ziva Sholin, Administrative Coordinator