Rabbi Frankie Sandmel

Base Rabbi

Pronouns: they/their

San Francisco, CA

Frankie is the Base Rabbi of Base Bay Area and is so excited to build community there! Base empowers the best rabbinic leadership in North America to build a new type of pluralistic, communal rabbinate. From within their home and neighborhood, the Base rabbinic couple works together to cultivate an authentic familial experience for young Jews (22-35) seeking a meaningful outlet for learning and community.

Frankie believes deeply that there are as many ways to be Jewish as there are Jews, no question is too basic or too big, and Judaism has space for every person who wants it. They’ve lived out these values as a teacher for SVARA, bringing Talmud to the masses, as an educator at the Jewish Enrichment Center, exploring Torah through play and curiosity with children, and facilitating conversations about antisemitism and social justice for community organizers. Frankie loves the moments when the house is buzzing with learning, with friends studying Talmud for the first time, neighbors diving into socialist Jewish history together, or just a Shabbat dinner conversation where someone asks ‘why do we do that?’! Frankie is originally from Chicago, but under the close tutelage of their partner Elaina, Frankie has come to love all the Bay has to offer. They love to bake and crochet, play board games, and maximize opportunities to be outside.