Tamar Remz

Co-chair, International Committee

New York, NY

What inspires you to serve on the Mem Global Board of Directors?

I am deeply passionate about Jewish life globally and offering people opportunities to engage and lead in ways that resonate with them- particularly where organizational life outside of the Orthodox community is sparse. Given my experience building international programs for the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, I feel that I have knowledge and support I can offer Mem Global.

Additionally, I am very keen to learn through my participation on the Mem Globale board, particularly about how the organization is growing and sustaining at this important time in Mem Global’s lifecycle. I am also interested in feeling a part of a community of Jewish leaders – which I am already feeling!

Past/Present Leadership Positions:
Founder, The Palm Collective; Advisor, Harold Grinspoon Foundation; Co-chair of International Committee – Mem Global; Trustee of Educational Alliance in New York City; Board member and Governance Chair – At the Well