Base Bay Area is on the Berkeley-Oakland border in Rockridge, home to Frankie, Elaina and their many beloved plants.
rankie and Elaina are community builders, passionate educators, and deep lovers of Shabbos. We are here to host you for a meal, go for a walk among the redwoods, or learn together in our living room. We’d love to meet you whether you’re deep in Jewish community already or curious where to begin. Bring us your questions, your passions and even your doubts — we will cook you dinner and dig in!

Frankie is the rabbi of Base Bay Area and is so excited to build community with you here! They are originally from Chicago, but under the close tutelage of partner, Elaina, Frankie has come to love all the Bay has to offer.
Frankie is a deep believer that there are as many ways to be Jewish as there are Jews, no question is too basic or too big, and Judaism has space for every person who wants it. They’ve lived out these values as a teacher for SVARA, bringing Talmud to the masses, as an educator at the Jewish Enrichment Center, exploring Torah through play and curiosity with children, and facilitating conversations about antisemitism and social justice for community organizers. They love the moments where their house is buzzing with learning, whether it’s friends studying Talmud for the first time, neighbors diving into socialist Jewish history together, or just a Shabbat dinner conversation where someone asks, ‘why do we do that?’. They love to bake and crochet, play board games, and maximize opportunities to be outside.
Frankie can’t wait to see what kind of community will blossom when they can bring their knowledge as a rabbi and educator into conversation with the ideas and passions of their neighbors in the East Bay!

Elaina was born, raised, schooled, and is thrilled to be opening her home to you in the Bay Area. She has been long-time dreaming with Frankie about their glittery community-powered shtiebel [little house], and is grateful for this dream to take root building community among the redwoods.
Elaina believes that Jewish community is best when every person knows that the tradition is theirs, and feels empowered to hold, shape, and breathe life into it with their questions, prayers, and sizzling hot takes. She loves that sweet spot of learning when on the brink of discovering how much more there is to know, and loves holding space where we can, in a joyous and supported way, get confused on a whole new level. Elaina holds degrees in forestry, probability, and a master’s in engineering from UC Berkeley, and has brought her love of learning and passion to an array of industries, leading her to volcanoes, salt mines, and hospital hallways.
Most recently, Elaina worked as Director of Strategy for UCSF Health, shepherding the organization through pandemic response and hospital recovery. She made the leap to doing Jewish as her day job in her role as Director of Programs at SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva, where she brings the spiritual practice of Talmud study to the masses as a tool for radical change-making.