Moishe House Almaty
В далеком и таком неизвестном Казахстане открылся Еврейский Дом. Мы соединяем восточное гостеприимство и еврейскую мудрость, молодежный запал и опыт наших предков. И самое главное, находясь так далеко от Израиля, мы все очень хотим жить настоящей еврейской жизнью!
In the distant and unknown Kazakhstan, opened a Jewish Home. We connect eastern hospitality and Jewish wisdom, young adult passion and experience of our ancestors. And most importantly, being so far from Israel, we really want to live a true Jewish life!
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Our Residents
Kristina Grausbard
Favorite Holiday: Purim
Hometown: Almaty
Profession: marketing specialist
Nikita Lokshin
Favorite Holiday: Passover
Hometown: Zhetikara
Profession: Engineer
August Caldwell
Favorite Holiday: Passover
Hometown: Washington, DC, USA
Profession: English teacher
Get in Touch
Generously Supported By: Anonymous, Moishe House International Fund and UJA-Federation of New York
Also Supported By: Young adult community builders giving back through our alumni Ambassador Circle and annual resident-driven WE ARE Campaign