Moishe House Haifa RSJ
Moishe House Haifa – это уютный дом и молодежная площадка для общения, развития, самовыражения и образования в самом сердце Хайфы. Это – знакомства, общение, мастер-классы, лекции, кино (и мультики!), книги, игры, Израиль, еврейская философия и традиции, музыка, прогулки и походы, поездки, ретриты, семинары, еврейские праздники, чай, кофе, печенье, бамба и другие кулинарные изыски. И Булка со Сгущенкой. А еще это мы – резиденты, которые живут здесь, в Мойше Хаус, и организовывают мероприятия для вас (и с вами!). И, конечно, вы – наши гости, которых мы ждем у себя дома!
Moishe House Haifa is a cozy home and youth platform for communication, development, self-expression and learning in the heart of Haifa. It’s a place for meet-ups, networking, workshops, lectures, movies (and cartoons!), books, games, Israel, Jewish philosophy and traditions, music, programs, trips, retreats, seminars, holidays, tea, coffee, cookies, Bamba and other culinary delights. And Bulka with Sgushionka. And it’s also us the residents who live here, in Moishe House Haifa, and organize events for you (and with you!). And, of course, it’s our guests, whom we are waiting for at home! Moishe House Haifa!
Upcoming Events
To attend an event, contact us.
Anti love party
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
День рождения Мойше Хауса
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Космический шоколад: лекция и дегустация
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Follow us on Instagram
Our Residents
Nathan Kohavi
Favorite Holiday: Purim
Hometown: Kiev
Profession: Event organizer / IT Support / Madrich at ELI / Owner MASA Community Telegram Channel
Paola Reitz
Favorite Holiday: Purim
Hometown: Saint – Petersburg, Russia
Profession: Graphic designer, cat sitter
Alex Zharov
Favorite Holiday: Purim
Hometown: Belgorod, Russia
Profession: Educational projects producer
Alexey Evstafyev
Favorite Holiday: Hanukkah
Hometown: Izhevsk, Russia
Profession: International Relations specialist
Get in Touch
Generously Supported By: Anonymous, Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston and Moishe House International Fund
Also Supported By: Young adult community builders giving back through our alumni Ambassador Circle and annual resident-driven WE ARE Campaign