Moishe House LA – Sherman Oaks
Moishe House Los Angeles Sherman Oaks is located in the heart of the valley, with the purpose of providing meaningful Jewish programming to a place where it is needed. We host a variety of events and hope to bring the wide world of young Jewish adults in the Valley together under one roof. We love hanging out, meeting new people, and throwing events — so come meet us, and bring your friends!
Upcoming Events
To attend an event, contact us.
Tu B'shvat Seder
10:00 pm – 12:00 am
Rom Com Shabbat
11:00 pm – 1:00 am
Drunk History – Presidents’ Day Edition
10:00 pm – 12:00 am
Our Residents
Robin Ashkenazi
Favorite Holiday: Sukkot
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Profession: Registered Nurse
Ashley Jones
Favorite Holiday: Purim
Hometown: Northbrook, IL
Profession: Graduate Student
Rachel Marcus
Favorite Holiday: Hanukkah
Hometown: LA San Fernando Valley
Profession: Ritualist, Healer & Mikvah Manager
Erin Yoffee
Favorite Holiday: Passover
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Profession: Yoga Instructor / Singer / Actress
Get in Touch
Generously Supported By: The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation, The Diane P & Guilford Glazer Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, Ken and Roneet Kahan, The Kallick Family, Francine H & B Marshall Katz Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, NuRoots: an initiative of the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, and the David and Janet Polak Foundation
Also Supported By: Young adult community builders giving back through our alumni Ambassador Circle and annual resident-driven WE ARE Campaign