Moishe House Oakland – Lake Merritt
Welcome to our new Moishe House! We’re so excited to build upon and add to an already thriving Jewish community here in the East Bay. Moishe House Oakland – Lake Merritt will be a place for young Jews from a variety of backgrounds to come together around fun, ritual, learning, and community. Our focus will be on providing a relaxing and accessible place for Jews who might be new to the East Bay or the Jewish community at all, whether they have come to the Bay to work for a non-profit or in tech, from the unaffiliated Jews to camp kids – we welcome all! We’re excited to provide enriching experiences in the local community, as well as warm community gatherings around Jewish ritual and holidays, Jewish learning, and delicious food.
Upcoming Events
To attend an event, contact us.
Tu BiShvat Shabbat
9:30 pm – 12:30 am
Garden Work Party
1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Pal-entines cookie making!
10:00 pm – 12:00 am
Our Residents
Naomi Friedland
Favorite Holiday: Passover
Hometown: San Francisco
Profession: Reporter
Krista Vanuska
Favorite Holiday: Rosh Hashanah
Hometown: Half Moon Bay, CA
Profession: Elementary School Garden Educator
Talia Paulson
Favorite Holiday: Rosh Hashanah
Hometown: Oakland, CA
Profession: Environmental Planner
Raq Dunoff
Favorite Holiday: Sukkot
Hometown: Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA
Profession: Afterschool Educator
Thomas Sawano
Favorite Holiday: Passover
Hometown: South Pasadena, CA
Profession: Documentary filmmaker/cinematographer
Get in Touch
Generously Supported By: David Agger, Donald and Carole Chaiken Foundation, Sandy and Jean Colen Family Foundation, The Friend Family Foundation, Kessler Family Foundation, Koret Foundation, Howard and Irene Levine Family Foundation, Julie and David Levine, Libitzky Family Foundation, Daryl Messinger and James Heeger, John Pritzker Family Fund, Rodan Family Foundation, Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, Kevin L Waldman and Diane and Howard Zack
Also Supported By: Abta Family Fund, Joseph and Sherry Felson Family Foundation, Steven Greinetz and young adult community builders giving back through our alumni Ambassador Circle and annual resident-driven WE ARE Campaign