Moishe Pod Austin – Deep Eddy
Shalom y'all! MoPo Austin is an inclusive, dynamic, and fun environment that focuses on fostering relationships within the Austin Jewish Community. Robyn and Jeff both love hosting people, grabbing coffee with folks (both new and old in Austin), and creating joy-filled spaces where everyone can feel authentically themselves. We can't wait to meet you!
Upcoming Events
To attend an event, contact us.
Tu'Bishvat & Succulents
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Shabbat Walk & Reflection
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Our Residents
Robyn Croft
Favorite Holiday: Rosh Hashanah
Hometown: Houston, TX
Profession: Speech-language pathologist
Jeffrey Albaum
Favorite Holiday: Shabbat
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Profession: Real Estate Professional
Get in Touch
Generously Supported By: Robert Epstein, Andrea and Michael Leven, Bradley and Kimberly Schlosser and Shalom Austin
Also Supported By: Joel Granoff Family Fund, Albert and Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation, Phil and Adam Loewy, Elyse and Rick Rosenberg Family Fund, Schocket Family Fund and young adult community builders giving back through our alumni Ambassador Circle and annual resident-driven WE ARE Campaign