Moishe Pod Chicago – Lakeview
We are a queer Moishe Pod, and our goal is to provide a safe space and a sense of community to all Jews of all sexual identities or religious observance of all levels. We hold a diversity of identities and you’re welcome here, whoever you are!
Upcoming Events
To attend an event, contact us.
Seudah Slishit & Games
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
An Unbe-leaf-able Tu B'shvat
8:30 pm – 9:30 pm
P is for Potluck: P
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Our Residents
Daniel Hason
Favorite Holiday: Pesach
Hometown: Arad, Israel
Profession: Salesman in Olympian Diamonds
Natan Hason
Favorite Holiday:
Ruthie Charendoff
Favorite Holiday: Passover
Hometown: Englewood, NJ
Profession: child life specialist
Ellie Goldstein
Favorite Holiday: Simchat Torah
Hometown: Milwaukee, WI
Profession: Wellness Support Specialist at DePaul University
Get in Touch
Generously Supported By: Anonymous, Abel and Judy Friedman Charitable Foundation, Crown Family Philanthropies, Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, Andrea and Michael Leven and Tina and Joe Wolf
Also Supported By: Hochberg Family Philanthropic Fund, Harriette and Ted Perlman, Phyillis Tabachnick and young adult community builders giving back through our alumni Ambassador Circle and annual resident-driven WE ARE Campaign