Moishe Pod Twin Cities – King Field
Welcome to Moishe Pod Twin Cities – King Field, where everyone is encouraged to bring their full selves to sit around the metaphorical campfire. At our home you can expect music, philosophical couch chats, nourishing food, and an invitation to be exactly as you are. We (Eric and Jordan) have passions working in the worlds of prison reform, birth, and grief spaces. We are committed to building community through art, and to contemplating and pursuing justice. Join us for open mics (bonus points if you come with something unpolished and straight from the heart), work-in-progress salons, community actions, Shabbat meals, or whatever ideas are waiting to be co-created with y-o-u.
Our Residents
Jordan Edelheit
Favorite Holiday: Shabbat
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
Profession: Birth Doula + Experiential Education Consultant
Eric Seligman
Favorite Holiday: Yom Kippur
Hometown: Edgemont, NY
Profession: Adjunct professor and researcher
Get in Touch
Generously Supported By: The Heilicher Foundation, Andrea and Michael Leven and Minneapolis Jewish Federation
Also Supported By: Young adult community builders giving back through our alumni Ambassador Circle and annual resident-driven WE ARE Campaign