Big Impact in Small Communities!

By Ziva Swire

By Alyssa Gorenberg Whether you hosted your 1st or 25th program in 2019, we hope you felt the power of bringing people together. We love seeing what types of programs you are creating, in addition to where MHWOW hosts are creating programs. In 2019, there were almost 100 MHWOW hosts in North American cities without a Moishe House. These hosts are engaging Jewish life in places like Asheville, North Carolina, and Ypsilanti, Michigan!  As we move into 2020, we are incredibly dedicated to the continued investment in young adult Jewish leaders across North America who are living in places without a Moishe House. Jewish community is important to us, and we want to expand MHWOW’s footprint even further. Check out to see what some of these hosts were up to this past year. 
Joelle Abramowitz, Dollars and Sense: Women’s Discussion and Skill Share, Ann Arbor, MI
Gal Andres, Community Fitness and Spirituality, Claremont, CA
Rebecca Bass, Shavuot Goat Hike, Portland, ME
Deanna Goldner, Havdallah Hike at Craggy Gardens, Asheville, NC
We want more great people to go on retreats and become MHWOW hosts! This is where you come in. Are you already a MHWOW host in a city without a Moishe House? You can help! Empower a friend who has attended one of your programs to go on a retreat to become a host using the three steps below. They have already shown Jewish community is important to them, and they can provide even more opportunities for young adults in your area to build Jewish community. More programs, more fun! Are you a MHWOW host in a city with a Moishe House? You can help, too! Recommend a friend who lives in a city without a Moishe House to become a MHWOW host. Sharing is caring, and don’t you want to share your awesome friends with us? Recruit your friends to become MHWOW hosts in three simple steps.
  1. Share why MHWOW is important to you and its impact made on your community.
I would share that MHWOW is really important to me because I was empowered to host a Rosh Chodesh group in Chicago. I had talked about it for months, and I finally made it happen with MHWOW. 
  1. Share the Moishe House retreats calendar to help find a location they have always wanted to visit or theme that sounds most interesting to them so they can attend and become a host.
Make sure Liza knows that they have applied too. We can prioritize their application! Through generous support from the Howard and Geraldine Polinger Family Foundation, Jewish Learning and Leadership Retreats are even more accessible. Any community member from a city without a Moishe House can receive up to $250 in travel reimbursement to offset travel costs. As always, Moishe House retreats are at no cost to participants due to support from the Maimonides Fund.
  1. Send follow-up texts to make sure they have applied because good friends don’t let their friends miss out on becoming MHWOW hosts.
We want to bring MHWOW to places like:
  • Milwaukee, WI
  • Fort Worth, TX
  • Jackson, MS
  • Tampa, FL
  • Orlando, FL
  • Long Island, NY
  • Richmond, VA
  • Charleston, SC
  • Indianapolis, IN
  • …. and so many more!
Email Liza at with any recommendations to help expand MHWOW into new communities. She is more than happy to reach out personally and have a conversation with you and your friend. 2020: the time for MHWOW is now!