The WE ARE campaign is in full swing! Every year, Moishe House holds a fundraiser led by all of our community builders. You can make a meaningful contribution to MHWOW and encourage your community to do the same, all right here. By giving back to Moishe House, you ensure that MHWOW hosts like you can continue to host programs, participate in leadership training, attend retreats, and build the Jewish community of their dreams.
Moishe House Austin hosts We-Brew! A brewing and beer sale fundraiser for their WE ARE Campaign
So how can you be a part of this? You can start by making a personal donation, asking your friends and family to give, posting on social media, or level up by creating your own fundraising page here, just click ‘Join Team.’ Another great idea? Use one of your MHWOW programs this month to host a fundraising event! We have tons of program ideas that other community builders have found successful during past campaigns:
Auction it Off: Ask your community members to auction off their skills or gather in-kind donations from your local community to host a silent auction. Ideas for skills to auction include cooking, baking, crafts, dog-walking, make-up tutorials, personal training sessions, chauffeur services for a night, etc. Whoever’s in attendance can bid!
Coffee & Bagels: Invite your community over for breakfast and ask them to donate the money they would have spent on breakfast to your WE ARE campaign. You can also use this as an opportunity to discuss your MHWOW community with the people who are a part of it! Brainstorm great program ideas and make event plans for the coming months.
Put it to a Vote: Put out jars with program names on them like Shakshuka Shabbat, Havdalah Folk Song Night, and Torah and Tuna (sushi!) and ask participants to put money in whichever program’s jar they like best, then host it the following month! The voting doesn’t have to stop there. Participants can use their dollars to vote between celebrities, animals, cultural references, and more.
Everyone Loves a Raffle: Come up with a great raffle item and sell raffle tickets. Need some ideas? Think movie ticket vouchers, a themed gift basket (date night, spa night, wine and cheese), or tickets to the next big concert or sports event! Money raised can go toward purchasing the raffle item, or you can ask your MHWOW Program Manager if it can be reimbursed with program funding. The rest of the money raised can go toward your campaign.
Moishe House Brookline’s Soccer Tournament WE ARE FundraiserChallah Bake: Host a challah baking program then sell the loaves to your community asking for donations in return.
Phone-A-Thon: You provide the snacks, then ask your community members to stop by and call some friends and family to make a donation to the campaign. Buy a special treat as an incentive for the person who collects the most donations!
Performance Time: Host a program featuring a musician, entertainer, or attend a concert, performance, or art exhibition. Your MHWOW program reimbursement can cover the cost of the event so folks can make a contribution to your campaign instead.
Maybe you don’t want to host a WE ARE fundraising program, but still want to give back to the campaign? We appreciate your support in WE ARE, no matter the dollar amount. Check out our fundraising page and make your donation today!