Jewish Learning, MHWOW
High Holiday Program Highlights
Rosh Hashanah Painting Party Danica Reuter, Atlanta, Georgia
“Women will get together to paint apple and honey dishes at Pottery Painting place and learn about Rosh Hashanah.”

Diasporist September Part 1: Rosh Hashanah Miriam Schechter, Sheffield, United Kingdom
“Sheffield is gaining momentum as a safe space for progressive and revolutionary Jews in the UK. During September, many people cannot make the trip home for the high holy days or do not have family who practise the customs.”
Days of Awesome Shabbat Nina Gordon Kirsch, Oakland, California
“The shabbat in between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur is a holy one! Come celebrate shabbat with performance, music, and community for an AWEsome shabbat!”
Sukkot Celebration in Uganda Rose Pollard, Kalisizo, Uganda
“It went so well! People loved hearing about the holiday and were very curious. They were obsessed with the challah! My new friends here really brought the joy to the Sukkah we made, dancing into the night.”

Lil Sukkah In The Desert Judah Horowitz, Santa Fe, New Mexico
“We are building a sukkah out in the desert south of Santa Fe, NM, and having some young Jews over to celebrate. Sunday will be dedicated to a group decorating party with lots of art being hung on the wall, followed by a potluck dinner at which we’ll learn traditional sukkot songs. We will also have some Native friends joining us for a discussion about the role of the fall harvest in our current world.”