Jerusalem Unity Prize
On July 8th, Moishe House received the Jerusalem Unity Prize for our global work bringing Jews together and creating vibrant communities.
The prize is in memory of three Israeli teens – Eyal, Gil-ad and Naftali –who were kidnapped and murdered by terrorists in the summer of 2014. It is a joint initiative between Eyal, Gil-ad and Naftali’s families, the former Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat and “Gesher”.
The award acknowledges the efforts of organizations and individuals in Israel and the Jewish world who actively work to advance unity throughout Jewish communities and Israeli society.
As President Rivlin presented the award, he spoke of the tragedy that overcame the three families and he read a beautiful poem by Yehuda Amichai. The poem talks of a house that knew happy and memorable days. Suddenly the house faces a terrible episode and its walls collapse, and from where the house once stood, light shines and illuminates the world.
This award was given to us in recognition of all the amazing work you all do, residents, alumni, MHWOW hosts, community members, Peer-Led Retreat facilitators, together with board members, funders and staff.
You are that light, illuminating your communities, week in and week out creating young dynamic spaces, bringing together Jewish young adults to learn from each other, to explore their Jewish identities, to navigate their Jewish journeys, to be an active part of the community (perhaps for the first time ever) and to assume responsibility for our joint communal future.
Thank you for inspiring us, for allowing us to witness and learn from what you create as your work today guides and opens up communities across the world.
Today was a very special and emotional day. I felt proud. I felt belonging and fully identified with the work we do, what you have created, and am very humbled to be recognized, as an organization, for what we do. We should all feel very proud of what MH is and does.
Mazal Tov to everyone,
Yshar Koach and may we continue to celebrate together.