Moishe House Hackney: Reviving the Jewish East End | The Jewish Chronicle
By Cassie Perez
Moishe House Hackney: Reviving the Jewish East End
By Jane Prinsley – The Jewish Chronicle
Four young professionals are living together in a trendy part of town, pursuing exciting careers by day and living their best lives in the evening and at the weekend.It may sound like something out of Friends, except this isn’t Manhattan, but up-and-coming London Fields, where this group of twentysomethings are at the heart of a growing young Jewish community.While just down the road from Strictly Orthodox Stamford Hill, Moishe House Hackney is a place where Jewish tradition intersects with and contemporary lifestyles.Sam Finkelstein, one of the residents and a session musician, is a key player in shaping this vibrant peer-led community.Recently, Sam and their father, Lord Daniel Finkelstein, who, last year, brought out his memoir, Hitler, Stalin, Mum & Dad, delved into the family history and explored the impact it has had on Sam’s involvement with Moishe House.Read the full story here.