The Future of MHWOW: Policy Changes for 2021 and Beyond

By Ziva Swire

2021 and Beyond: What does the future of MHWOW look like?

We are thrilled to announce the newest iteration of MHWOW with updated expectations and guidelines to better serve you and your community building. The updated program will begin on January 1, 2021.

Over the past few months, the MHWOW team, alongside Moishe House Executive Leadership, tackled research and re-envisioning. With a focus upon how we can better support and foster excellent Jewish community building, we had a chance to assess the program’s many strengths as well as ways it may be improved because we see MHWOW gatherings as the future: the ideal way to gather and persist in this constantly changing world. As a current host, you have the exciting opportunity to first access this new program with increased expectations and benefits.

What’s new about MHWOW?

  • Base Programming Requirements & Hosting Timeline: We’ll expect that you host in-person or virtually at least once every month. You may still choose to host up to twice a month. In joining the new program, you commit to a 12-month term with the option to renew for a second 12-month term for a maximum of 2 years total.
  • Improved Staff Support & Connections: Our team will work with you more closely by way of increased staff connections, expanded grants (up to $100 per term), and scholarships (up to $200 for Jewish learning and leadership development).
  • Host Connections: We’ll better connect hosts with one another by offering 1:1 host coffee dates and new host gatherings.
  • New Pathways & Application Process: We are expanding entryways for eligibility. We’ve created a comprehensive application and interview process to bring in new hosts without having been a Moishe House Resident or attending a Learning Retreat.
  • Here is an FAQ document and a new MHWOW Cheat Sheet to address more questions!
It is our goal that these changes not only improve the hosting experience but help you build stronger communities at home. Current hosts will have the opportunity to bypass an application and interview process and simply opt-in to beginning the new program on January 1, 2021. The opt-in period for current hosts has now closed and if you didn’t sign up, you were automatically exited on December 31, 2020. If you decide you want to commit to being a Host with the new expectations, we invite you to apply for a spot here. Thank you for your part in building incredible MHWOW communities. We look forward to the launch of the new program and hope you’ll join us in these next steps! -The MHWOW Team