
From Pharaoh to Freedom: A 10 Step Event Guide

By Ziva Swire

Brought to you by our friends, At The Well

To help all your event planning dreams come true, and to ensure your Passover experience is deep and meaningful, we’ve created this Passover event program with you in mind. Enjoy and Chag Sameach!

  1. Read: ​Check out this Holistic Passover Detox Guide with original content, recipes, and more.
  2. Gather Materials: ​Snag some tealight candles, little journals or paper for writing reflections, print out some worksheets (circle activity on pg. 4), and reading materials.
  3. Break the Ice: ​We’re going to create a sacred space to connect with people in a real way. That’s not always easy! So let’s kick off this event with some light icebreakers. Have everyone go around the circle and… 1. Light a tealight and introduce themselves. 2. Share why they decided to come tonight. 3. Share their favorite Passover memory.
  4. Breathe​: Before you dive in, take a breath as a group. Allow your mind and heart to let go of your day, to fully arrive in this moment. 1. Breathe in whatever energy you want to bring into this room. 2. Breathe out whatever part of your day you want to leave behind. Ahhhhh…
  5. Read Aloud as a Group: ​Tikkun Middot & The Path To Freedom
  6. Chevruta Roundtable: ​Break into Chevruta (aka partnership learning, groups of 2–4 people), and… 1. Discuss what Tikkun Middot means to you. 2. Do you have practices that empower you to be a better individual to the world? What are they? 3. Read aloud: Sneaky Pharaohs & Finding Your Happy 4. ​Take 5 minutes to write about a Pharaoh of your own, and how you might free yourself. Invite people to share if they feel comfortable, or lead by example and share yours!
  7. Circle Activity: ​Have everyone take a few minutes to complete the circle activity on pg. 4.
  8. Chevruta Discussion Q’s: ​Still in Chevruta, discuss… 1. What goals/intentions are you making for the coming months? 2. In which areas of your life do you feel the most full? Where are you hoping to put more focus? 3. How do these pieces weave together to make a fulfilling life?
  9. Whole Group Discussion Q’s: ​Come back together in the larger group and open up a discussion about making internal self care a priority before going into the world to help others. 1. How do you plan to incorporate a Tikkun Middot practice into your life? 2. How could your practice affect your outlook and contributions towards repairing the world? 3. Got any good self care and nourishing tips and tricks to share?
  10. Closing:​ Go around and have each person say, “This month of Passover, I am committed to moving from a place of ____ to a place of ____.” Then, have them ceremoniously blow out a tea light!

Chag Sameach!

We hope your Passover gathering is wonderful. Follow us on Instagram to see all our upcoming content about Passover, health, wellness, and spiritual learning, and sign up for our newsletter here to get original content delivered right to your inbox.

At The Well envisions a world where women of all experiences gather to support one another on our individual paths to wholeness, by exploring the connection between our physical and spiritual well being.