High Holidays, Jewish Holiday
Simchat Torah 2020 Resource Guide
by Josh Traulsen, Senior Manager of Alumni Engagement
This year, Simchat Torah begins Saturday, October 10th and ends on Sunday, October 11th at sundown. Simchat Torah translates to “Rejoicing with/of the Torah” and marks the conclusion of one annual Torah reading cycle and the beginning of another. Simchat Torah is a celebration of the Torah as Judaism’s living, central text and, by extension, education and Jewish learning as a whole. In many traditions, the entire Torah scroll is unraveled for the community to see it in its entirety. The community gathers together to sing and dance with the Torah to help to remind us of our commitment to the Torah and its endless teachings.
This year, with in-person community gatherings not possible for many of us, this guide will focus on ways to stay connected to your community virtually while celebrating Simchat Torah through art and food.