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Sukkot 2020 Tikkun Olam Resource Guide

By Shaina Abrams-Kornblum

This year, Sukkot begins on Friday, October 2 at sundown and is celebrated through Friday, October 9. It is one of three pilgrimage holidays where Jews were historically commanded to travel to the Temple in Jerusalem. Today, we celebrate the harvest by sleeping, eating, and hanging out in a sukkah. However, we invite you to do more than just celebrate this Sukkot.  In this guide, we will explore program ideas for Sukkot through the lens of tikkun olam. Just as you would bring the lulav and etrog into your sukkah, you can bring tikkun olam elements into your Sukkot programming. Through themes of harvest, dwelling in the sukkah, and welcoming the stranger, we hope to bring justice and service into your Sukkot celebrations.