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Virtual Volunteering

By moisheadmin

By Jessica Herrmann, Director of Service Jewish Learning

Tikkun Olam Programming Resources: Virtual Services Edition 

The Covid-19 Pandemic has not only exacerbated the need for service but has also thrown some obstacles in the way…like not being about to gather in-person to serve.  As Hillel said “If not now, when?” (Pirkei Avot 1:4)  Here are some resources to help you navigate those obstacles and make it easier to host virtual service/Tikkun Olam programs that make a difference.


צער בעלי חיים – Tza’ar Ba’alei Chayim – Being Kind to Animals  Rabbi Judah said in the name of Rav, “It is forbidden for a person to eat until they have fed their animals. As it is written, ‘I will give grass in your fields for your animals, and [then] you shall eat and be satiated.’ (Deuteronomy 11:15)” -Babylonian Talmud, Gittin 62a DIY Dog Toys  
  • Connect with your local animal shelter and find out what needs they have. If they need dog toys, host a virtual homemade dog toys making party with your community. Teach your community how to create dog toys from old t-shirts and other repurposed items and bring the Jewish value of bal tashchit (“do not destroy”) to life. Or use felt and dive into the Jewish value of taking care of animals.  Encourage community members to bring pictures of their pets and their favorite animal-themed songs to share while you make the toys


 V’ahavta L’reyacha K’mocha – Love Your Neighbor Share your bread with the hungry, and take the wretched poor into your home. When you see the naked, clothe them, and do not ignore your own kin.  -Isaiah 58:7 Clothing Collection
  • Connect with a local community partner- a shelter, community center, etc. and ask if they are taking clothing donations
  • Host a closet cleaning party: play music (yes, you must play Eminem), have community members share stories about the clothing they are donating, vote on the most surprising/outdated/etc. piece of clothing, dive into what Judaism has to save about donating clothing and not wasting  
For US, Canada, UK Communities: 
  • Host a Give Back Box Party. Community members can collect clothing and place it in a box with a Give Back Box label printed out. That clothing will be donated and shipped to a random non-profit for free. For $15 you can choose which non-profit receives the donation.


-V’shinantam L’vaneha– You shall teach unto your children Each and every community has an obligation to appoint teachers for their children. A city without school children will be destroyed.  -Sefer HaChinuch, Mitzvah 419 Homework Helpers
  • Connect with a local partner- a school, community center, recreation center, etc. and ask if there is a way to help students with their work or to teach a topic
  • Log on to a video call and help students with their studies or create a lesson as a MH community to share with local students 
Here are 3 great organizations committed to education that you can help through virtual service: Bookshare: Provides ebooks for folks with reading barriers 
  • Scan and/or Proofread books to be added to the collection.  
  • Hop on a video call and scan together while discussing Jewish values of education, your favorite books, or listen to the songs that got you through school.   
Learning Ally: Unlocking student’s potential through increasing literacy rates 
  • Literacy and Textbook Tester, help check the quality and ensure the resources work correctly before sharing out to students. You can get together virtually during a happy hour, learn about the literacy rates in your city, and test some books. 
  • Learning Ally has specific projects for groups, so reach out to them and see which virtual projects your community can help with.  
Mali Rising Foundation: Provides a quality education to children in Mali 
  • Read to Mali: Record your community reading books or poems. Teachers will use these videos during English lessons. Hop on a video call and learn about the importance of the Jewish value of education then record. Record in small groups or individually. 
  • Flashcards: Help make French and English flashcards, no language requirement for volunteers to participate. (You can test your French knowledge and play some French trivia before creating the flashcards).
  • Menstrual Kits: Learn why girls in Mali need to miss about 45 days of school when they have their period. Help create kits to keep them in school. 


 הדור פני זקן – Hidur P’nei Zakein – Honoring the Elderly You shall rise before the aged and show deference to the old; you shall fear your God: I am the LORD. –Leviticus 19:32 Letters/Cards to Elderly
  • Connect with a local community center and see if there is a need for letters, notes, or holiday cards for the elderly.  Most food delivery programs, like Meals on Wheels, are grateful for notes to add to meals. (You can host a listening party or watch your favorite film featuring an elderly cast while making cards)
  • Partner with Love for Our Elders and virtually host a card-making party. (Cards have to be sent to the US through this organization, but Letters of Love distributes cards internationally) 
Phone Calls to Elderly
  • Reach out to local community centers and ask if your MH can help with wellness calls to their community. 
  • The Neighbor Network helps you call elderly denizens of New York City to check in and connect them to resources, but it’s open to volunteers from across the globe! 


האכלת רעבים – Ha’ achalat Re’evim – Feeding the Hungry When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap all the way to the corners of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. You shall not pick your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I am the LORDyour God.  -Leviticus 19:9-10 Cooking/Baking 
  • Connect with a community partner first and find out what meal or dessert your community can donate for your neighbors in need. 
  • Gather virtually and learn how to cook the meal/dessert together. Package up donations and add a note to each bag. Double the recipe and eat with your MH community after preparing your donations. 
  • (Ways to enhance the event: cook a recipe connected to a story, bring in a chef from the community to teach, or pair the event with a learning or a game as food is cooking )
DIY Tshirt Bags for Local Food Pantry or Shelter
  • Connect with your local food pantry and/or shelter and see if there is a need for reusable bags. (Most pantries are shifting to reusable bags; after socks/underwear, bags are the most requested item at shelters.) 
  • Ask community members to collect old, unwanted t-shirts…the ones collecting dust in the back of your drawer. 
  • Join a video call, learn how to make t-shirt bags, and then make as many as you can
  • Play music as you make your bags, encourage community members to bring their favorite drinks, and share the stories behind those old t-shirts 
Wine Tasting or Chocolate Tasting
  • Host a virtual tasting with a vineyard/brewery that supports tikkun olam work and learn about the issue area they support during the tasting. For example, host a virtual wine tasting with Kishor Winery and learn about Kibbutz Kishorit, a home for adults with special needs in Israel, which produces the wine. (Israeli Wine Direct hosts virtual wine tastings with Kishor in the US)
  • Host a virtual tasting event with ethically sourced food or with food that supports a cause and pair with learning on that issue. For example, how about a fair trade chocolate and coffee tasting while exploring Jewish and fair trade values?


הכנסת אורחים – hachnasat orchim– Welcoming the stranger  A stranger you shall not wrong, and do not oppress them; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. –Exodus 22:20 Postcards/Letters to Refugees
  • Host a letter writing event. Community members can submit virtual letters to child refugees. Volunteers will rewrite the notes in the native language of refugees across the world and deliver them. (You can explore what Jewish texts teach about immigration, play a refugee trivia game, listen to stories of refugees, or invite a local refugee to come speak)
Local Refugee Agency 
  • Connect with your local refugee agency and find out what support they need.  Possible ideas- local letter writing/pen pal program, donating meals, story sharing session, etc. 
  • If you are in the USA find your local refugee agency here 
  • Explore opportunities with HIAS including local volunteering, learning opportunities, and campaigns 


אומות העולם Umot ha-Olam – Respect for Other Nations “A healing tongue is a tree of life,”  -Proverbs. 15:4 Translators without Borders offers language and translation support for humanitarian and development agencies, and other non-profit organizations on a global scale.
  • Translating documents, texts, websites, etc. to help in crisis and medical fields   
  • Host a virtual translating event and translate a text together as a community 


ביקור חולים Bikkur Cholim – Visiting the Sick Rabbi Abba son of Rabbi Hanina said: The visitor relieves the sick of one-sixtieth of their suffering.  Leviticus Rabbah 34:1 Cards/Videos
  • Connect with a local hospital or health center and see if your community can write cards or share video messages
  • Write virtual letters to Pediatric Patients 
Blanket Making
  • Make no-sew blankets to donate to hospitals, dialysis centers, or cancer centers. 
  • Blankets can also be donated to homeless shelters 
  • As you are making blankets watch a movie, play a game, discuss Jewish texts and values for supporting your neighbors, eat/drink your favorite things  
*If you have any questions, need help to flesh out an idea, infusing service-learning, etc. please reach out to